This is a very easy plant to grow which would be good for beginners or people who just don’t have much time to care for their plants.

Aglaonema Mary Anne can be grown just about anywhere in your home or office. It tolerates both low and bright light and does not need natural light to thrive. It grows well an office environment with fluorescent lighting.

You can’t go wrong with watering these plants. Either keep the plant evenly moist or water every few weeks. It will do well either way.

You do not need to fertilize aglaonema but doing so once or twice a year using a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer will give the best results.

Common Name:   Chinese Evergreen

Origin:   Tropics and subtropics of Asia and New Guinea

Available in 4 1/2 and 5 inch

Aglaonema are not meant for human or animal consumption.